These General Conditions of Contract (hereinafter General Conditions) are in accordance with the following general conditions (hereby referred to as “General Terms and Conditions”) and will regulate the commercial and legal relationship between BELLOVE and the user or customer for the contract and sale performed through this website.
The contract through this website will entail the full and unconditional acceptance by the customer or user of the website of these conditions, as well as the conditions of use stablished for the user´s navigation through the website property of BELLOVE. These conditions will be applicable without prejudice to the applicable rules under national legislation regarding the matter for each case.
BELLOVE reserves the right to make any changes it deems appropriate without notice to the General Conditions. Said changes will be made, through their website, by any type of arrangement permitted by Law and must comply with the mandatory rules during the time they remain published on the website and until further changes are made.
In order to place an Order you first need to create a user account on the Website, and follow the instructions about how to place an order and modify it before you decide it is complete. When placing an order on our site, you guarantee that you are over 18 years old
Independently of any price you may have seen or heard, once a product is selected you will be shown the corresponding price (on the Website), VAT included where applicable. Unless the Website indicates to the contrary, all prices will be shown in GBP at the moment of making your purchase
So that the purchasing process can be completed, you must pay the full due amount of the Order through an easy, one-time transaction. To do so, you can provide us with the data of a valid credit or debit card or use a PayPal account. If you prefer, you can pay using any of the payment methods we offer. These will be: credit or debit card, PayPal or payment via bank transfer. The use of data or payment instruments belonging to third parties is not permitted. In order to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data transmitted through the Website, BELLOVE utilises a secure payment system SSL (Secure Socket Layer). However, we are not obliged to send the items until we have registered the full payment of the products. According to the results when checking your card, we reserve the right not to offer you certain payment methods and to redirect you to others.
To enter the data of a card or of a bank account, you must have the right to use it and said card or account must have sufficient funds to cover the possible payment.
You are responsible for the veracity of all data provided to proceed with the purchasing of Products and that these are correct, to hold the ownership of the debit or credit card, bank account or any other payment form should belong to you and that such cards, accounts or other payment methods have sufficient funds to cover the total cost of the Products. We reserve the right to request a confirmation of payment receipt before shipping the order.
Placing an order on the Website implies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions on the date of placing the Order. You are responsible for reviewing the version of the Terms and Conditions when placing your Order.
The placing of your Order will constitute the execution and entry into force of a contract, for all intents and purposes. On our side, we are obliged to send you the requested Products and an acknowledgement of receipt of the order.
If, once the order is complete you notice any mistakes, please contact us immediately. We can not guarantee the modification of your order according to any new requirements.
BELLOVE reserves the right to modify the price of its products. The purchasing price will be the current price at the time of closing the operation.
We will deliver the Products to the delivery address in accordance with the details outlined in your Order and/or through the delivery method chosen by you. However, we can not guarantee an exact delivery date either when you place your Order nor in the Confirmation Email. Most orders are delivered between 1 and 3 working days from the date we accept the Order, but we can not set a fixed delivery date
We will inform you of any delay to your Order´s delivery. However, to the extent permitted by the applicable law, we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or based upon any act or omission of it because of said delay.
When delivering the Product, the signature of the addressee may be necessary. Please check there are no evident faults or damages before signing for the Order and keep the delivery receipt for possible future queries.
You will assume the risks regarding the products of the Order from the moment of Product delivery, except in the case of delay of delivery for non-compliance with your obligations. In this case, you will assume the risks from the moment in which the delivery would have taken place if said non compliance had not happened. After transferring the assumption of risks, we are not responsible for the loss or destruction of the Products.
Please make sure there is no damage done to the content of the parcel when opening it, especially in the case where there is use of pointed instruments to do so (open the parcel.)
In case you are not available to receive your Order, we will leave you a card with instructions to follow to arrange a re-delivery or to collect the parcel from the messenger´s office.
Product not available
If the Product, for whatever reason, is not available and the Order Acknowledgment Receipt has already been sent, we will contact you immediately to offer you a similar product or to undertake the Contracts termination. A non-agreement with any of the aforementioned options implies the acceptance of the delay that the delivery of the Products may suffer(subject to the reception of said Products or to the unavailability of a similar product).
In case of cancellation of the Order or when the Product is sold out we will refund you the paid amount using the same payment method you used to pay for your Order.
Cancellation by the Customer in cases of non defective Products
In accordance with what is established below and independent of the rest of your rights regarding faulty Products, you can terminate the Contract and return any of the Products you have received, whatever the reason for doing so, you must always notify us of the termination of the Contract and return the Product, at your own risk and cost within a period of 7 days from the reception of the goods. You must send us the notification, in writing and any supporting documentation to:
Faulty Products
We guarantee that:
a) The product will be shipped in perfect condition and in the requested amount.
b) The Product will comply with the characteristics most recently stated by the manufacturer, as stated on the Website or in the description of the materials of the Product at the moment of placing the Order.
You must take into account the most recent instructions established by the manufacturer or stated on the Product itself. It is your responsibility to strictly follow the instructions.
Before proceeding with shipping, we may perform small adjustments in colour, material, weight, measurements and other characteristics of the Product, within reasonble limits.
We do everything possible to deliver the Products in optimal condition. However, in the case where you receive a product you consider to be faulty, you must keep it in that actual state so we (or our agent) can check it within in a reasonable period of time. In case of a faulty product, the seller shall proceed, as corresponding, to the repair, replacement, price discount or contract termination; these procedures will be free for the consumer and user. The seller responds to the lack of conformity manifested in a period of two years from the delivery date. The consumer and user shall inform the seller of the lack of conformity within a period of two months from the date he/she has knowledge of them. Such a clause will be applied considering the nature of the commercial item.
So we are able to offer you solutions regarding the faulty Product, we may need your collaboration and ask you to quickly provide us with the following information regarding the Product:
a) A reasonably detailed explanation of the damage or faults that the Product shows.
b) Number of delivery invoice and any other information that may be reasonably useful to us.
If, as stated in the Contract, you wish us to repair or replace the product or to provide you with a refund for the paid amount, you must ensure that the Product:
a) has not been used incorrectly or negligently, has not been manipulated in a form it is not designed for, or used imprudently, and has not been used in abnormal or damaging conditions.
b) has not suffered any accident nor has been damaged when trying to repair it or modify it.
c) has not been used in a opposing manner to that setablished by the manufacturer in the Product instructions.
d) has not been deteriorated after receipt due to natural wear.
In case the Product doesn´t comply with any of the mentioned requirements, we can decide, according to our criterium, not to repair or replace the Product nor refund you the paid amount and/or can ask you to refund the total amount of transport and revisions that arise according to the current standard fees. To perform such a refund, we can charge the aforementioned costs to your credit or debit card or use the payment data provided when placing the Order. To the extent permitted by law, we are not liable for losses, liabilities, costs, damages or expenses that may result from the process.
Gift vouchers and promotional codes
You are able to use discount vouchers or promotional vouchers as a payment method for your Orders on the Website.
We can send you emails with gift and promotion vouchers. We are not responsible for possible errors in the electronic mail address of the voucher addressee.
Both gift and promotional vouchers are transferable and you can hand their use and rights to a third party or to any other person.
In cases of fraud, suspicion of fraud or another illegal activity regarding the purchase of gift vouchers or its exchange on the website, we have the right to close your account and/or to request you to use another payment method.
We cannot be held responsible for the stealing or the illegiblity of the gift or promotional vouchers.
Limited liability
This clause takes precedence over all the other clauses and describes our total Responsibility and your unique and exclusive resources regarding:
a) The compliance or non-compliance, purported compliance or delay in the compliance of the present Terms and Conditions or the Contract or the Website ( either in a total or partial manner).
b) All aspects regarding the present Terms and Conditions or the entry into force or the compliance of the present Terms and Conditions.
No aspect of the present Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude:
a) Our liability regarding to (I) intent or gross negligence; (II) death or personal damage caused by the non compliance of our duty ; (III) any non compliance of the obligations established by the Law 7/1196, the Royal Decree 1906/1999, the Legislative Royal Decree 1/2007; o (IV) any Responsability that can not be limited by the applicable law or excluded from it.
b) Your consumer legal rights.
When complying with our contractual duties, established in the present Terms and Conditions, our only duty is to exercise a reasonable level of care and attention.
BELLOVE realises maximum efforts to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on this page. To undertake the purchase of the products offered on the website of, the user must register and accept the corresponding Terms and Conditions. The information, contents and data of any kind on the pages of this website or in its promotional campaigns are reviewed before publication. However it is not possible to guarantee they are absolutely free of errors, misprints, typing mistakes, layout defects and equivalent problems, so BELLOVE advices the users to be aware of possible updates or amendments that the website incorporates.
Except for the aforementioned cases, we don´t accept, and through the present terms exclude, any Responsability for non compliance of any obligations except for those Responsabilities arising from the present Terms and Conditions.
Guarantee and management of claims
We will comply with the obligations stated in these terms and Conditions with reasonable care and attention.
Our customers´ satisfaction is of maximum importance to us, so you can contact us at any time. We will try to redirect your queries in a reasonably fast manner and will inform you of any news regarding your query or claim. Issues regarding the warranty are usually directly linked to the manufacturer, so they may require a longer time to be replied to.
In case of a complaint, it would be helpful for us if you could send us a precise description of the reason for your complaint and, if it exists, a copy of your Order or the number of your Order that appears on the Confirmation Email. If you don´t receive a response within 5 working days, please contact us again.
Conditions of Use
On this page (together with the documents it refers to) the conditions of use are stated (Conditions of Use”) from which you must use within this website (the “Website”), both as visitor or as a registered user.
Please carefully read the conditions set out below before using this website (the “Website”). By accessing this Website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions and disclaimers (the “Terms “). Access and use by you of this Website constitutes acceptance by you of these Terms and Conditions which take effect from the date of first use of the Website. Such permission shall become effective from the first use of the website. If you don´t agree with these Terms and Conditions, you must discontinue your use of the Website immediately.
We reserve the right to modify these Conditions of Use at any time and without prior notice. It is your responsibility to regularly check the information published online to know whether any changes have been made. The uninterrumpted use of the website once the changes have been published constitutes your agreement to the amended Conditions of Use.
You are responsible for any access to the Website performed from your Internet connection and of the information provided to any other person regarding these
Conditions of Use
You won´t be able to use the Website, or submit to said Website, to us or to any user anything that:
a) Breaches any laws, statutes, rules or regulations.
b) Is deceitful, fraudulent, criminal or illegal.
c) Is inaccurate or obsolete.
d) May be obscene , indecent, pornographic, vulgar, profane, racist, sexist, discriminatory, offensive, derogatory, harmful, harassing, threatening, shameful, malicious, abusive, hateful, defamatory, false or political.
e) Pretends to be another person or entity or distorts the relationship with any person or entity
f) Infringes or otherwise violates the copyrights or other intellectual property rights (including without limit copyrights, trademarks or transmission rights)
g) May be contrary to our interests
h) May be contrary to any regulation or specific requirement of those stated on the Website regarding a specific part of the Website or to the whole Website.
i) Implies the use, delivery or transfer of any viruses, spam, Trojan horses, worms or any other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere, detrimentally interfere or expropiate any system, data or personal data
Through the present conditions, you grant us an irrevocable license, free, universal and transferable to use any material you submit to us or on our Website to be used on the Website or for the marketing of our services (in any media and through any media).
Comments or any other material published on the Website do not pretend to establish the trust to be placed on the Website. Thus, we renounce any liability arising from the trust on such materials by any visitor of the Website or by any person that has received information about the content of the Website.
You accept to comply, at all moments, with the instructions to use the website, which we update periodically.
Website availability, safety and loyalty
Although we will do all we reasonably can to maintain the Website´s 24 hour availability, we can not be held responsible for, due to any cause, the website not being available at any moment or during any time. Due to the nature of the Internet we can not guarantee that the Website functions without errors or uninterrupted or inappropriately. At times, we will have to perform improvement work, maintenance or introduction of new services and functions.
The website can deny or suspend access, to you or to any other user, both temporarily and permanently, at any moment and without notice.
We can also impose restrictions, for any reason, regarding the duration and manner of use of any part of the Website. In case these restrictions are imposed on you personally, you can not try to access the Website under any other user name. We can not guarantee that the website is compatible with all hardware and software. We are not liable for any damage, viruses or any other code that may harm your computer, your software, the data or any other property used to access our Website, its use or the downloading of any material conatained within it. In the same way, we won´t be liable for any actions performed by third parties.
We can modify or update the website contents without prior notice
We reserve the right to modify and / or update the terms and conditions set forth in this site and its contents.
Although we make all possible efforts to ensure all information and materials on the website are correct, we can not guarantee or ensure, expressly or implicitly, that they are complete and exact, accurate and appropriate for a specific goal. We are also not responsible for any errors or omissions to the extent permitted by law. This won´t affect any of the obligations stated in the contract made for the products supply, including any obligation regarding the facilitation of information and advice that we perform through a part of the Website, available to users who utilise an appropriate password.
Registration on the Website
To be able to place an order on the website and to purchase any of the products of the Website, you will have to create a user account (an “Account”). You can acces this from the “My account” section on the Website. To register, you must enter your name, postal code and email address, as well as any other required data. To see further details about this, please check our Privacy Policy
Once you are registered on the Website you will have to choose a user name and a password, which need to be kept confidential. In case this password becomes known to any third parties, any unatuhoriased use of your Account or your email address or if a violation of security is detected, you must report it immediately. The disclosure of the password to any third party implies the acceptance of the power of said third parties to act as agents, use and/or undertake business with your Account. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.
We reserve the right to cancel your account in case a user creates any kind of problem on the website.
During the process of creating an account and at every subsequent log in, you are offered the option of requesting or renouncing the subscription of informative emails (such as newsletters, information offers, etc.). You can unsubscribe from said services, at any time, from your user account.
Although we store your orders placed on the Website with the goal of purchasing the products contained within it, for security reasons you won´t be granted access to said information directly. To do so,you will need to log into your Account. Once there, you will be able to check the information regarding your finalised, pending or shipped orders, manage your address details, your banking data and any newsletters you are subscribed to.